Friday, September 28, 2012

My Opinion about Copycater, Re-Editer and Stealer [Editing World]

Ok, here's the point. i think almost all of you have a wrong opinion. i mean, did you know what copycat really is? Copycater is someone who copy someone else edit. So, if you said you're not copycater, YOU ARE WRONG. Scrapbook? C4D? T-Based? Monochrome? and other styles? You and i COPYCATING it! Maybe you can make new style, but still, you will edit with someone else style too, right?
 Re-editer is someone who re-edits someone else edit.
Thief/Stealer is someone who steals someone else edit.

If you don't know what "Copycat" really is, don't ever say it! That will embarrassing yourself.






Nah, it's just my opinion. If you have yours, that's all up to you.


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